Pechico beach is one of the most important places in the world to see green turtles. It is a great place for camping, hiking and swimming, as well as bird watching. The main attraction of Pechico Beach is the green turtle hatchery located at the north end of the beach.
What to do in Pechico Beach in Veracruz?
Pechico beach is a great place to see wildlife. The beach has many different types of birds and fish, as well as turtles – it is one of the best places in Veracruz to see animals! Camping is allowed on Pechico beach, but you must bring food and water. The best time to camp is early in the morning or late in the afternoon, when it is not so hot. You can bring your own tent and sleeping bag if you wish, but there are also tents and sleeping bags for rent for those who don’t want to carry them all day. A cot costs $30 per night, while a hammock costs $25 per night.
The Weather at Pechico Beach in Veracruz
Below you can see the weather forecast at Pechico Beach in Veracruz:
Where is and how to get to Pechico Beach in Veracruz?
The beach is located in the municipality of Las Higueras, Veracruz, Mexico. It is one of the most important natural areas of the Gulf of Mexico coast and is home to a variety of wildlife, such as white-tailed deer, raccoons and wild boars.
Hotels and Apartments near Pechico Beach.
Find the best lodging offers near Pechico Beach in Veracruz:
One of the largest sea turtle hatcheries in the world.
The hatchery is a place where young sea turtles are raised. They hatch in the sand, not in the water as you would expect; in fact, it is much warmer for them than if they were swimming out of their shells. The temperature of this part of the beach is ideal for hatching because it receives plenty of sunlight and has moderate air temperatures for most of the year.
The hatching process begins when an adult female turtle lays her eggs on the shore and covers them with sand, which insulates them from temperature fluctuations that could cause premature hatching or death. It also protects them from predators, such as raccoons, dogs or coyotes, which may attempt to dig up these buried treasures. Once buried by their mother (or another female), they wait for the right conditions before attempting to emerge into the world.
The temperature fluctuations necessary for successful incubation depend largely on seasonal changes in air temperature, but may also vary slightly depending on location within Mexico; in fact, there are three different types: arribada, estacionada and arriba abierta.